Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
New Patient - Initial Consult
Existing Patient Consult
Diabetic Consult
Shooting Assessment Consult
Emergency Consult
Dry Eye Analysis
Kelly has been practicing Optometry since 2000 and has a special interest in the diagnosis and management of eye disease.
She loves Optometry because she loves to meet and take care of a new person every half hour.
She is passionate about eye health and loves the challenge of a difficult eye diagnosis.
She is also passionate about riding her horse Stanley, country living and playing the Ukelele.
Kelly Gibbons is
female_icon Female
in Wodonga who speaks
B. App Sci (Orthoptics) Hons. 1997. B. Optom. 2000.
Grad.Cert.(Ocular Therapeutics). 2005