Dr Anup Desai

Dr Anup Desai

Respiratory And Sleep Medicine Physician

Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
  • New Patient - Initial Consultation
  • Existing Patient - Review/Follow up Consultation
  • Dr Anup Desai is a Specialist Sleep and Respiratory Physician. As well as his Specialist Sleep and Respiratory Physician qualifications, he has a PhD (Syd) in Sleep Medicine. He sees all Sleep and Respiratory conditions, and has a particular interest in non-respiratory sleep disorders, such as insomnia, parasomnias, restless legs, narcolepsy and unexplained sleepiness/tiredness. He has extensive experience in issues related to obstructive sleep apnoea and driving and has helped to draft regulatory guidelines in this area. His focus is on a broad and realistic approach to each patient's sleep disorder. For instance, when treating obstructive sleep apnoea, treatment advice will consider CPAP, dental splint management, ENT procedures, managing nasal disease, weight loss and possibly positional therapy. Dr Desai has built up a strong multi-disciplinary team around him at Sydney Sleep Centre (including CPAP therapists, a Sleep specialised dentist, a Sleep Psychologist and Dietician) and has close relationships with other local experts, such as ENT surgeons.
    MBBS (Syd) FRACP PhD Sleep Medicine (Syd)
    Next available
    in 44 days

    Open today until 05:00 pm

    Sydney Sleep & GP Clinic

    Opening Hours

    08:30 am - 05:00 pm
    08:30 am - 05:00 pm
    08:30 am - 05:00 pm
    08:30 am - 05:00 pm
    08:30 am - 05:00 pm

    Contact Details