Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
General Eye Exam
Glaucoma Test
Vision & Eye Health Assessment
Glaucoma and Retina
Retina Test (e.g. macular degeneration)
Wilfred is a Senior Lecturer of the UWA Doctor of Optometry course.
Since joining UWA in early 2020, he has been involved in designing, planning, implementing and teaching in the program.
Wilfred is a therapeutically endorsed optometrist who concurrently works at the eye clinic at the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. He has over 12 years of high-level clinical exposures to managing complex eye diseases and surgeries within the tertiary system of healthcare.
Wilfred is currently driving the UWA initiatives to provide final year optometry students with hands-on experiences of delivering eye health services within an Aboriginal Medical Service in the Mid-West of WA. Prior to joining UWA, he led the optometry program in Singapore.
Wilfred graduated from The University of Melbourne in 1991, and completed his PhD from QUT in 2001. He holds a Master of Public Health degree from UWA and a post-graduate qualification in ocular therapeutics from UNSW.
Wilfred is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His clinical interests include public health of optometry, managing eye diseases and ageing eyes.