Book with RA Optometrists Strathpine

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Open today until 05:00 pm

Dom Kelly


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Born and bred Queenslander. I have lived most of my life on the north side of Brisbane after spending my early years in country Queensland. School education was locally at Nudgee College. My undergraduate study in Optometry was done at QUT and I graduated in 1988. On graduation, I began work at Roberts and Alexander Optometrists. Since graduating, I have completed a fellowship in Behavioural Optometry and developed a special interest in children’s vision and learning, vision therapy, contact lenses, orthokeratology, and sports vision. This was followed by additional qualifications in Ocular Therapeutics. Optometry has also given me the opportunity to travel and work overseas with working for an Aide group in India being a highlight. Outside of optometry, sport has kept me fit and healthy which is why there is an interest in sports vision. These days with four children my time to participate in sports is limited to the odd game of golf or tennis.
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Annabel Cristaldi


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Annabel started her optometry journey at Queensland University of Technology as a Vice Chancellor’s scholar, after moving from her hometown of Townsville, North Queensland. During her Masters, her group was awarded best research project in mini-scleral contact lenses; she was also given the opportunity to travel to remote indigenous communities in Western Australia to provide eyecare. In building her clinical skills as an optometrist, Annabel developed an interest in pediatrics, and myopia control including ortho-K and therapeutics. She has also mentored students and university graduates and has been a guest speaker at various optometry events and webinars. In her free time, Annabel enjoys social outings with friends and family, as well as spending time with her active blue heeler dog. She also likes yoga, traveling, hiking through national parks, and discovering new local cafes and restaurants.
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Madeline Watkins


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Madeline completed her Bachelor of Vision Science and Master of Optometry at QUT, graduating with distinction. At the completion of her studies, she was awarded the Optometry Australia QLD/NT Award for clinical performance in her master's degree. Madeline is a caring and friendly optometrist who is passionate about eyecare for all ages. She carries a particular interest in children’s eye care and vision therapy. She is well-practiced in the fields of myopia control and contact lenses. Madeline also has a passion for the management of ocular health and diseases. In her downtime, Madeline lives an active lifestyle. She enjoys spending time outdoors and at the beach with her puppy, Rolo. She thrives on social interaction, so spending time with family and friends is an important part of her week.
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Opening hours

08:30 am - 05:00 pm
08:30 am - 07:00 pm
08:30 am - 05:00 pm
08:30 am - 06:00 pm
08:30 am - 05:00 pm
08:30 am - 12:30 pm
