Dr Maree Flaherty

Dr Maree Flaherty


Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
  • New patient
  • Dr Flaherty opened the Children’s Eye Centre in 1993. She graduated in Medicine from UNSW with Honours in 1978, and became a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists in 1984 following training at Sydney Eye Hospital. She gained further qualifications in Human Genetics Theory at Macquarie University in 1991, and was granted a Fellowship of the British College of Ophthalmology the same year. In 1992 Dr Flaherty was awarded the RACO/OPSM Travelling Fellowship to further her studies in paediatric ophthalmology and genetic eye disease. Dr Flaherty has been a Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Children’s Hospital Westmead and supervises a regular Monday morning clinic. Dr Flaherty also has a particular interest in Neurofibromatosis and is part of a combined multi-disciplinary group including Neurology and Oncology, monitoring NF children with optic nerve tumours. Dr Flaherty is a member of the Paediatric Special Interest Group and the Australian and New Zealand Strabismus Society, and attends their meetings annually. In addition she is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the American Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, the International Strabismological Association as well as various genetic associations. She has authored a number of publications in Australian and international peer reviewed journals. She has admitting rights at Westmead Private and Westmead Children’s Hospital.
    -UNSW with Honours
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    Open today until 05:00 pm

    Children's Eye Centre - New patients

    Opening Hours

    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm