Dr Jack Im

Dr Jack Im


Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
  • None
  • New Patient Examination
  • Exam and Clean
  • Damaged tooth / Filling
  • Toothache/Pain
  • Emergency
  • Hailing from New Zealand, Jack is the newest member of the Agile team. He has a calm, friendly demeanour, making sure that patients feel as comfortable as possible during their appointment. Jack graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery with Distinction from the University of Otago. Jack has experience in providing dentistry in Dunedin, where he trained, and in Central and South Auckland treating a variety of patients, especially those with high dental needs. He is passionate about making sure all patients, regardless of background, are treated with respect. Jack enjoys all aspects of dentistry, with a particular interest in saving teeth through root canal treatments and restorative dentistry. He is motivated to continue learning and further develop his skills through professional development courses. Jack is an avid history nerd and enjoys learning about all things history. In his spare time, he also likes cooking and baking, and is excited to see what Geraldton has to offer and explore more of Western Australia!
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    Next available
    Tuesday at 10:50 am

    Open today until 05:00 pm

    Agile Dentistry Geraldton

    Opening Hours

    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm