Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
Wisdom Teeth Consult
Teeth Whitening Consult
Sports Mouth Guards
Fast Bracers/Clear Bracers
General Examination
Check-up & Clean
Preventative appointment
New Patient Examination
Medicare Child Dental Benefit Schedule
General Examination
Cosmetic Consult
Broken Tooth
Check-up & Clean
Dr Saba Farooq is the principal dentist of Main Street Dental Practice. She is passionate about dentistry and comes from a family of dentists, and medical professionals. The main motivator and inspiration being her dad who is a retired dentist and her elder sister. Saba believes in treating the patient, not the teeth and believes in holistic approach towards treating her patients.
She prides herself in being caring and compassionate with her patients while maintaining the highest level of care and professionalism.
The first thing her patients notice about her is that she is very patient, a perfectionist, she listens and is very communicative.
Dr Saba Farooq graduated from de 'Montmorency College of Dentistry in Lahore, Pakistan in 1997.
Saba moved to Australia in 2001. She passed her Australian Dental Council registration exams within 1 year and started working as a dentist in 2003. On completion of her postgraduate diploma in clinical dentistry from Melbourne university in 2004, Saba worked in Melbourne's southeast until 2008 when she discovered the beautiful town of Bacchus Marsh. When she drove through the avenue of honour for the first time, she fell in love with it instantly. She still says it calms her down when she drives through it.
Saba has practiced here ever since and loves it. Her real passion is in orthodontics, implants and cosmetic dentistry and gets very excited when she gets amazing results for her patients.
She is a big advocate for early intervention orthodontics and sleep breathing disorders in both children and adults.
Dr Saba Farooq is a senior master provider of FASTBRACES®.
She has undertaken over 1,000 hours of continuing education courses in every aspect of dentistry, over the last 24 years. On the weekends if Saba isn't doing a course to further her skills, she enjoys spending time with her family especially her two children who are her pride and joy. She enjoys reading, Pilates and gardening. Saba looks forward to treating you and your family when you next visit Main Street Dental Practice Bacchus Marsh.
"My whole life has been a journey towards achieving perfection for my patients".