Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
Check-up & Clean, New Patient Adult Offer $199
Check up and clean with x-rays for children( under 16 ) $149
Check up and clean with NO x-rays for children (under 16) $99
Check Up & Clean, Existing Patient
Check up and Clean, Existing Patient (Child)
Broken Tooth
Consultation only, $70 (Discussion only)
Extended Consultation, $120
Medicare Child Dental Benefit Schedule
Wisdom Teeth Consult
General Examination
SmileStyler Consult $100
First Responder Examination
Dr Ayda Irannezhad is an outgoing dentist who loves to connect with her patients to ensure they feel comfortable at the dental office. She has a special interest in restorative and aesthetic dentistry and loves the fact dentistry allows her to combine her passion for science, art and helping people. She completed her Bachelors degree in Oral Health Therapy and Masters in Health Practice with Honours. Later, she completed her dental degree at Griffith University where she was awarded the Academic Excellence Award.
Dr Ayda is a keen learner and is continually looking for ways to improve her clinical skills and further her knowledge. As a dentist, Ayda strives on being gentle, informative and making patients feel at ease. Some of Ayda's interests outside of dentistry include reading novels, catching up on her favourite tv shows and being an avid foodie looking for the next best restaurant or cafe to try.