Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
Check-up & Clean
Check Up and Clean (10 yrs & under)
Chipped Tooth
Mouthguard/Whitening Impression
Kerry graduated from The University of Queensland in 2002 with first class honours. She worked in private practices on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane, before establishing Everything for Teeth at West End in 2006.
In 2022, Kerry moved to Ireland with her young family and has now settled back in Australia. She enjoys being part of the Bardon Smiles team.
Kerry enjoys practising all aspects of general dentistry. She has a gentle chairside manner and genuinely cares about her patients.
Kerry is approachable and friendly and strives to make every patient feel comfortable and important. She prides herself on being thorough and is somewhat of a perfectionist.