Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
Broken Tooth
General Examination
New Patient Examination
Check Up & Clean, New Patient
Check Up & Clean, Existing Patient
Other Consult (Fillings, Crowns, Implants, Extractions, etc)
Wisdom Teeth Consult
Invisalign Consult
Denture Consult
Teeth Whitening Consult
Other – Please provide details in appointment notes
Rita Chen - Oral Health Therapist
She ensures all patients feel welcomed and consistently strives for excellence in patient care during dental treatments.
Rita Chen has been in the dental industry for over 10 years. Rita completed her bachelor’s degree in Oral Health Therapy at the University of Newcastle. Rita is also a dental technician who has gained experience from working at Sydney Dental Hospital.
She also maintains a high standard in infection prevention control at our practice. In addition, Rita aims to focus on increasing oral health awareness in public, such as nursing homes and geriatric facilities.
In her spare time, Rita is a disciplined professional yoga practitioner and a yoga teacher.