Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
Broken Tooth
General Examination
General Examination
New Patient Examination
Check Up & Clean, New Patient
Check Up & Clean, Existing Patient
Other Consult (Fillings, Crowns, Implants, Extractions, etc)
Wisdom Teeth Consult
Implant Consult
Cosmetic Consult
Veneer Consult
Invisalign Consult
Denture Consult
Teeth Whitening Consult
Scale & Clean (New Patient and Return Patient)
Dr Catreen Abbas completed her Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree in 2012. She has grasped every opportunity to fulfil her passion in helping her patients and making sure they have the best pain free experience possible.
A firm believer in lifelong learning. Dr Abbas has a pronounced dedication to continued education. She has completed numerous hours of postgraduate courses. Particularly trying to bond modern technology with Dentistry.
Dr Abbas favours Oral Surgery, Invisalign, and Cosmetic Dentistry. She is also dedicated to preventative dentistry.
Dr Abbas always tries to brighten the day with her caring and comfortable personality. Catreen’s happy nature, patience and a gentle hand are essential to put our anxious patients at ease.
When away from work Catreen is usually exploring nature.