Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
New Patient Adult, Examination and Clean
New Patient Adult, Examination and Clean
Check Up & Clean - Child under 12
Check Up & Clean - Child under 18
Emergency - Child
Clean ONLY (+18)
Exam and clean
New Patient Exam, Clean and Issue
Preventative appointment
Vanessa was born in Brazil, where she owned and operated a dental practice for many years, before relocating with her family to the Gold Coast in 2011. She has spent her time in Australia working in private practice as well as supervising and tutoring at the Griffith University School of Dentistry and Oral Health.
Vanessa has always been passionate about her work, and for the past 20 years has treated her dental patients with care and dedication. She loves all aspects of dentistry, especially Endodontics and Paediatric dentistry, in which she has advanced qualifications and vast experience.
When she is not working, Vanessa spends most of her time with her two active boys. Together, they enjoy the beach, surfing, and anything else the Gold Coast sunshine and outdoors have to offer. Vanessa speaks both fluent English and Portuguese.