Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
Broken Tooth
Cosmetic Consult
Check-up & Clean
General Examination
New Patient Examination
Preventative appointment
Scale \ clean
Dr. Adriana is a general dentist, she graduated from Saint Thomas Aquinas University in Colombia and has been living in Australia since 2012.
Adriana is passionate about educating her patients with regards to the importance of a good oral health and healthy lifestyle. Always keen to listen to her patients, giving them the opportunity to ask questions about any concerns they may have, always supported by the amazing team of our practice. For Dr Adriana the comfort of her patients is a priority, that is why she is always working on delivering her treatment on a gentle manner.
She also has a particular interest in periodontal treatments, Extractions and restorative dentistry. Additionally, Adriana speaks Fluent Spanish.
“I love being a dentist because through my work I get to know and help people. I can have an impact in people’s wellbeing as well as help improve patient’s health.”