Telehealth appointments are available for a range of health issues, but if you feel you need direct treatment for an injury or a physical examination you may need to book an in-person appointment.
New Patient Examination
Broken Tooth
Dr. Kiran graduated in 2005 with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS). She provides a broad range of general dental services and sees patients of all ages, including children. Over the past few years, Dr Kiran has been successful in helping patients with significant dental anxiety. She is passionate about educating her patients about their oral health and what role they can play in maintaining their oral health. As a lifelong learner, Dr Kiran aims to improve her knowledge and skills by constantly engaging in professional development courses. She has recently completed her Membership with the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (MRACDS). This has given her an in-depth understanding of dental disease and why tailored treatment planning is important to achieve the best treatment outcome for a particular patient.