Obesity Surgery Brisbane is a practice devoted to the surgical management of morbid obesity. Our team aims to provide all patients with a warm and friendly environment to obtain the information that they need to make the important decisions required to proceed with surgery. Dr. Hopkins, along with a team consisting of nurses, dietitians, diabetes educator, exercise physiologist and a psychologist work together to offer a variety of procedures which cater for many different lifestyles and circumstances. The most common procedures Dr. Hopkins performs sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. Dr. Hopkins also continues to review and manage patients with the adjustable gastric band.
The first step is to see the surgeon, Dr. George Hopkins, who will explain in detail the concept behind the procedure, the success that has been had and the potential problems that can occur. Dr. George Hopkins has run his own practice for nearly 20 years and provides very diligent and on-going post-operative follow-up care, in close association with your Referring Practitioner.
Our Nursing Team consists of Donna Swift and Christine Egan who both provide valuable nursing support with initial assessment as well as an initial consultation and provision of the information required.
Since 2000 Dr. George Hopkins has undergone training in laparoscopic (key-hole) gastrointestinal surgery both here in Brisbane as well as in the United Kingdom. He has refined the skills necessary for laparoscopic or minimally invasive procedures.