What Is the Difference Between a Counsellor and a Psychologist?

Over the past decade, there has been a strong movement to destigmatise mental health issues and encourage people to get the help that they need without fear of judgment. Millions of people suffer from mental health issues ranging from mild depression and anxiety to complex disorders like bipolar disorder. With the change in attitudes, more people are opening up about their struggles and seek out counseling and treatment.

With the help of celebrity endorsements and confessionals, mental health issues are quickly becoming normalised and socially accepted. Due to the global pandemic of 2020 , the whole world is under extreme stress. Millions of people have found themselves dealing with anxiety, depression and other issues in need of treatment or help. 

Many counselors and psychologists have made their services available online through video conferencing to accommodate mental health patients and their needs. This unprecedented private access to mental health treatment has allowed many patients to feel more comfortable about reaching out when they are suffering. 

While it’s important to be able to recognise when you may need some help managing your mental health, it can be hard to know who to talk to. Do you need the services of a counselor or a Psychologist to help you navigate more serious mental health concerns ? It’s important to know the difference between these two mental health professions to ensure that you get the best care for you.

Whether you choose to see a professional that has earned their Master of Counseling Online or a certified psychologist, you want to know what fields each specialises in. 

Main Differences Between Counselors and Psychologists


  • Specialise in human behaviour and the study of the mind. They provide treatment for behavioural, emotional, and mental illness
  • Study the progression and sources of mental illness and provide treatment plans
  • Requires significant education including a Masters Degree


  • Trained to provide educated guidance with psychological and personal problems.
  • Offer help processing immediate issues, including grief management, communication skills, personal discovery, and decision making
  • Requires less education than a psychologist
  • Provide guidance to patients in grief processing, addiction, recovery, or career counseling

What Is a Psychologist?

A Psychologist is a mental health professional that uses observation and analytical skills to help patients process their emotional, behavioral, and mental health issues. They specialise in the study of the mind and human behaviour. Psychologists may work directly with patients or in the field of study analysing data or teaching at educational institutes. Psychologists, compared to counselors, often deal with more complex and serious mental disorders and illnesses . They can treat patients with various mental health issues, including personality disorders, anxiety and panic disorders, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. It’s important to note that psychologists are not the same as psychiatrists. To become a psychiatrist, you will need to complete a doctoral degree.

Psychologist Duties and Responsibilities

  • Study behavioural patterns that can lead to a better understanding of the nature of mental disorders
  • Observation of patients that leads to scientific study
  • Ability to identify psychological disorders including behavioural, emotional, and mental
  • Authoring and sharing research papers

Psychology Career Specialisations

Clinical Psychologist

  • Professionals that work in a clinical setting directly with patients. They assess, diagnose and treat patients with behavioural, mental, and emotional disorders. They treat chronic conditions with various strategies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Developmental Psychologist

  • Professionals who concentrate on the study of the mind and emotional behaviour throughout the life of patients. Developmental psychologists focus on the changes in personality along with physical, mental, and emotional growth as people age. Many developmental psychologists work in schools or academic research.

Industrial-Organisational Psychologist

  • Professionals that focus on aspects of the business world. They study the effects of work-life balancing, productivity, ethics, and management style. These psychologists often work alongside business leaders to help improve their employee experience.

Rehabilitation Psychologist

  • Professionals that primarily work with patients to help them manage issues such as addiction and grief.

What Is a Counselor?

A counselor's main purpose is to provide guidance and advice to those that are suffering from mental health issues, such as processing anger and grief. They also give guidance for those looking to make personal or professional changes in their lives. While psychologists focus mainly on the treatment of mental disorders, counselors often deal with the more practical and personal issues of their patients. 

Counselors are trained to assist their patients in managing their problems and teaching the right skills to improve communication, self-analysis, and conflict resolution. Counselors often specialise in addiction recovery, family counseling, marriage counseling, and career guidance. Counselors may work in an individual or group setting. Counselors often work in the education field, mental health clinics , and recovery centers.


  • Assist patients in developing life skills and behavior that will help them self-manage their issues and improve communication
  • Professional counseling to families, couples, or individuals
  • Monitor patient progress and make referrals to other professionals for further treatment

Counsellor Career Specialisations

Addiction Counsellor

  • Working with patients that suffer from addiction issues, including gambling, sex, drugs, and alcohol. Provide behavioural training and general emotional counseling to patients to help them move forward away from their addictions.

Mental Health Counsellor

  • Working with clients that have issues managing stress, anxiety, grief, anger, and depression.

Career Counsellor

  • Focus on analysing skill sets and interests to guide patients towards a fulfilling career choice. Providing advice and recommendations for those that are looking to make large career decisions.

Rehabilitation Counsellor

  • Working with patients living with mental disabilities help develop skills and self-care techniques to help them work and live independently. 

As the stigma that has been attached to mental health issues begins to fade into the background, more people are becoming comfortable with asking for help. Mental disorders and illnesses can be crippling and become worse if not addressed and treated properly. Gaining knowledge through professional counseling or seeing a psychologist can help give you the perspective you need to improve your mental health.

Knowing where and how to find help for your mental health issues is the most important step towards recovery. If you are struggling with a mental health problem, it’s best to seek the advice and guidance that you need to move forward in your life towards success. Millions of people struggle with mental health issues, so it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Whether you choose to reach out to a counselor or a psychologist, getting the help that you need is a positive move towards a happier life. 

If you need to book an appointment to see a doctor to get a Mental Health Care Plan, or would like to book an appointment with a psychologist or counselor, the fastest and easiest way to search for and book healthcare appointments online is with MyHealth1st

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