10 Useful Tips On How The Light Affects Health

We are exposed to different types of lights everywhere we go, whether it is natural light, the lighting inside our homes, or lights from our devices. Like anything in our lives, exposure to different kinds of light can have its advantages and disadvantages. You probably know that sunlight has many benefits for your physical and mental health, but too much exposure to the sun can also damage your skin.

The lights in your house and devices can affect your health as well, but you can’t just stay in the dark or never use your cell phone again. You need to understand the different types of light in order to be able to reap their benefits while protecting yourself from harm.

1. Vitamin D

The sun is a primary source of vitamin D. When you are exposed to sunlight, your skin absorbs the vitamin. Vitamin D has so many health benefits such as protecting you from heart disease, cancer, bone loss, and even helps you lose weight. Moreover, it is also good for your mental health as it reduces depression. The safest way to get Vitamin D from the sun is by getting 10 to 30 minutes of sunlight a few times a week- just don’t forget to always put your sunscreen on, as the UV rays from the sun can cause damage while you are absorbing that good Vitamin D.

2. Mood

Do you suffer from the winter blues? If you do then you aren’t the only one. This is a mood disorder that is called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) , that causes symptoms of depression during the winter. This usually occurs as the days get shorter and people spend more time indoors, leading to less sun exposure. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder may be treated by using light therapy , which is often very effective. Of course, if light therapy doesn’t work, a therapist may be able to suggest other forms of therapy to help with the mood disorder.

3. Blue Light

There are many colours in the visible light spectrum, and blue light is one of them. There are many sources of blue light in our homes, such as flat-screen TVs, computer screens, fluorescent light, tablets, and cell phones. Regular exposure to blue light may be bad for your health as it has been linked to vision problems, disruption to sleep patterns, and perhaps even mental health. 

According to Block Blue Light Australia , there are ways that you can lessen your exposure to blue light. You can wear blue-light-blocking glasses, install screen filters on your devices, cover your eyes with an eye mask while sleeping, and avoid using any electronic devices before bed.

4. Productivity

Have you ever seen a poorly lit office or school? Probably not, this is because light plays a huge part in our productivity. In addition to productivity, a well-lit room makes people feel happy, alert, at ease, and able to focus, which in turn affects their performance. If you feel sleepy or distracted while working or studying, then try to increase the lighting in the room.

5. Sleep

Light has a huge impact on our sleep cycle, since we are biologically conditioned to wake up when the sun rises and sleep when it is dark. If you have trouble sleeping , you may want to expose yourself to bright light in the morning, dim your bedroom lights at night, and avoid using your cell phone or tablet before bed.

6. Blood Pressure

Do you know that natural light reduces blood pressure? A study of blood pressure readings from more than 342,000 patients at nearly 2,200 clinics over three years, starting in January 2011, found that exposure to sunlight, regardless of temperature, may reduce systolic blood pressure.

Before you start running around without sunscreen to fix your blood pressure, it should be pointed out that the study was the first to show this result , and a lot more study is needed to verify results.

7. Immune System

Covid-19 has made many people want to find healthy ways to boost their immune system, and there isn’t a better or easier way to do that than spending time in the sun. Regular exposure to sunlight may boost your immune system and reduce the risks of infection. This may be the reason many patients are advised to spend more time outdoors and in the sun after surgery.

Unfortunately, the sun can also negatively affect the immune system. UV rays from sunlight have been shown to have an immunosuppressive effect .

8. Lose Weight

If you are reluctant to spend time in the sun during the warm weather then this may convince you to do so, as sunlight may help you lose weight. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada indicates that subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat under the skin) may be light sensitive

This doesn’t mean that you can shed excess pounds by sunbathing, but it does indicate that sun exposure may play an important role in weight loss.

9. Stress and Anxiety

Natural light may positively impact your brain , and being exposed to it in the morning may reduce your stress and anxiety. An Australian study on sun exposure and the production of serotonin (a hormone responsible for stabilising mood and feelings of happiness) indicated that people produced more serotonin on sunny days than they did on cloudy days.

Another study on people who used sunbeds indicated that exposure to UV light (the dangerous wavelengths of light that cause the browning of skin) may increase the production of endorphins.

10. Improves Vision

You should never stare directly in the sun, even if you’re a president. Every day, we are exposed to harmful types of light that can damage our vision, including UV rays from the sun, but studies have shown that spending time in sunlight everyday may significantly reduce the instances of myopia (nearsightedness) in children.

Light is everywhere around us; some of it is good, while some variations and sources may be harmful. Natural light may be good for your physical and mental health but you still need to make sure to take the necessary precautions while in the sun, such as wearing sunglasses and using sunblock.

If you have concerns about your light exposure, sleep patterns, mood or blood pressure, schedule an appointment to see your doctor to get professional help. The fastest and easiest way to search for and book healthcare appointments online is through MyHealth1st.

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