Upgrade to a MyHealth1st listing
Provide patients the digital convenience they want and increase your bookings by upgrading to a MyHealth1st listing with OnlineAppointments.

Allow patients to book when and how they want

24/7 real-time appointment booking
People want to be able to book an appointment when it suits them and with online bookings, they can. In fact, 55% of people opt to book online after hours.

Simplify the booking process
Online bookings allow patients to connect with you in seconds, directly from the Find a Health Professional Directory, when they have eye health top of mind.

Reduce no-shows
In the fight against glaucoma, early detection is key so one missed appointment can make all the difference. Patients who book online receive automated appointment reminder texts.
Ready to find out more?
To find out more or upgrade your listing, simply complete this form and a member of the MyHealth1st team will be in touch in the next two business days.