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IVF Specialists in Illawarra

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City Fertility - Wollongong

City Fertility - Wollongong

Suite 3, 336 Crown Street, Wollongong NSW

Established in 2003, City Fertility is one of Australia’s leading IVF & fertility service groups with 16 clinics, over 70 consulting rooms and over 60 fertility specialists nationwide. We provide seamless care across the full fertility spectrum while ensuring the best possible chances of conception for our patients through our rigorous protocols and actively participating in research projects and science-based treatments. Premier global IVF providersIn 2018, City Fertility joined the CHA IVF global network, which has a 35-year track record as world-renowned pioneers in reproductive medicine. CHA has achieved an exceptional international reputation for its cutting-edge academic research and technologies in reproductive medicine and IVF, with unique expertise in treating complex cases, establishing new standards for global best practices in fertility-related treatments and achieving scientific breakthroughs that have become widely accepted clinical standards today. The Partnership is part of City Fertility’s desire to further optimise best practice in patient care. Together with CHA and SMG, we will continue to grow in Australia with a strong focus on excellence in reproductive medicine and research.

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IVF Specialists in Sydney - South West

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City Fertility - Gregory Hills

City Fertility - Gregory Hills

1A and 1B The Hermitage Way, GLEDSWOOD HILLS NSW

Established in 2003, City Fertility is one of Australia’s leading IVF & fertility service groups with 16 clinics, over 70 consulting rooms and over 60 fertility specialists nationwide. We provide seamless care across the full fertility spectrum while ensuring the best possible chances of conception for our patients through our rigorous protocols and actively participating in research projects and science-based treatments. Premier global IVF providersIn 2018, City Fertility joined the CHA IVF global network, which has a 35-year track record as world-renowned pioneers in reproductive medicine. CHA has achieved an exceptional international reputation for its cutting-edge academic research and technologies in reproductive medicine and IVF, with unique expertise in treating complex cases, establishing new standards for global best practices in fertility-related treatments and achieving scientific breakthroughs that have become widely accepted clinical standards today. The Partnership is part of City Fertility’s desire to further optimise best practice in patient care. Together with CHA and SMG, we will continue to grow in Australia with a strong focus on excellence in reproductive medicine and research.

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